Refreshments will be served. No charge.
The Shabbat afterglow does not end at sundown. It is therefore customary to continue wearing Shabbat finery on Saturday night, and many have the custom of lighting candles on the table after the
Sometime on Saturday night it is customary to partake of a meal, called a
Melaveh Malka
, "Accompanying the [Shabbat] Queen," meal.
According to tradition, there is a microscopic bone in the body called the
bone. This bone is indestructible, and it is from this bone that G‑d
will reconstruct the entire body when the time arrives for the Resurrection of the Dead. (Today, with our understanding of how DNA works, this age-old tradition doesn't seem so far-fetched...) This bone receives its only sustenance from the
Melaveh Malka
This meal is devoted to Elijah the Prophet, King David, and Moshiach. The hymns traditionally sung at this meal focus on these illustrious personalities.
It is customary amongst chassidim to retell stories of
(righteous people) at the
Melaveh Malka
For more about Melaveh Malka:
click here
What is a KUMZITZ?
According to wikipedia:
(קומזיץ) is used to describe a musical gathering that Jews partake in. Everyone sits together, be it on the floor or on chairs, and sings spiritually moving songs. In order to establish a certain ambiance the lighting is often low and candles are primarily used, or if taking place outdoors it is usually around a campfire.
If it is not the Jewish Sabbath then there will usually be musical instruments, such as guitar or violin. An orator will usually tell short inspirational folk-stories between songs.