Socially Distant - Spiritually Close

We are pleased to announce our summer schedule of classes and events via Zoom and Facebook LIVE. To be notified when Facebook classes start, 'follow' me on my personal Facebook page:

Please join us for our upcoming online Torah classes and events, we'll all see each other, gather strength from each other and be uplifted and our lives enriched.

Upcoming schedule of classes and events at  Chabad of The Nyacks:

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Summer Mornings of Why
Why do we eat Gefilte Fish? Why do we sway when we pray? What's with pebbles on the gravestone? Why do we pour Elijah's Cup at the Seder?
Select mornings through August
Follow me on Facebook LIVE:

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Tefilin - Prayer - Kabalah
Sunday Mornings -  7/5, 7/12, 7/19, 7/26 - 9:30am
Come prepared with your Tefilin, Siddur and Open Heart as we daven some selected prayers together
Facebook LIVE:

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Guidance From The Rebbe For Confronting Life's Challenges
Tuesdays - 7/7, 7/14, 7/21 - 8:00 - 8:30pm
Register for login info:
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Weekly  Pre-Shabbat Torah Portion - Stories & Lessons

Fridays - 7/3, 7/10/ 7/17, 7/24, 7/31 - 11:00 - 11:30am
As we continue the 4th book of the Torah, Bamidbar, we will explore many interesting stories, laws and rituals.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 594 804 2614 Password: Chabad
Facebook LIVE:

Saturday Evenings - 10 minutes after end of Shabbat -  Calendar here 
Farewell to Shabbat along with inspirational thought for the new week ahead
Join our family on facebook live on Chaya's Facebook page @ as we chant the farewell to Shabbat

 Looking forward to learning & growing together.

With heartfelt prayers for complete healing, physically and emotionally - with the ultimate redemption through Moshiach speedily in our days, AMEN!